January 19, 2014

This House is on fire AND ALSO THE ROOF! Everything burns.

Comic pages:
fetish comic 058
She got her red hot and wired.
fetish comic 059
Her body's tossin' and turnin'.
And also this picture happened in a stream on picarto.tv, which I'm currently testing out. It certainly does make streaming less of an event than livestream does and it has some cool aspects, but it's also really unreliable in how the video-streaming itself works and has some weird weird things going on.
So yeah, we'll see how that works out and if it does I'll certainly do streams much more frequently in the future.
ty lee azula loli watersports
And I'm also gonna do a short-haired Ruffnut picture. I just don't know when I'll have some time to do that.
The prize-commissions will come along nicely as well.
If I get  the time to work on them, that is.
I.e. they're not coming along at all.
But they'll look good.
Hopefully. :)


Here's a number for ya. Pretty low innit? Wanna help make it bigger?